The Effects of cognitive and physical arousal upon simple reaction time, choice reaction time and complex maze performance by andience presence 인문 · 사회과학편 : 심리적(心理的) 각성(覺醒)과 생리적(生理的) 각성(覺醒)이 반응속도(反應速度)와 미로수행(迷路遂行)에 미치는 효과(效果)
30(1) 1-12, 1991
The Effects of cognitive and physical arousal upon simple reaction time, choice reaction time and complex maze performance by andience presence 인문 · 사회과학편 : 심리적(心理的) 각성(覺醒)과 생리적(生理的) 각성(覺醒)이 반응속도(反應速度)와 미로수행(迷路遂行)에 미치는 효과(效果)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of physiological arousal induced by consistent exercise(jump roll) and psychological arousal caused by audience presence upon simple reaction time (SRT), choice reaction time (CRT), and complex maze performance (CMP).
40 subjects(elementary students, F : 20, M : 20) were randomly divided by four groups in interacting of audience and exercise conditions(audience-nonexercise=ANE, nonaudience-exercise= NAE, exercise-audience=EA, nonaudience-nonexercise), and performed SRT, CRT, and CMP. Exercise condition and audience condition involved 5 min Jump-roll before each performance and 10 audience observing subject’s performance, respectively, subject’s physiological arousal (heart rate, blood pressure) and psychological arousal(A-state) were measured prior to or during task performance.
A series of 2 × 2 (A × E) factorial ANOVA upon dependent variables (STR, CRT, CMP) indicated the following results :
1. Exercise had the significant effect on subject’s physiological arousal(HR, BP) while audience had the significant effect on subject’s psychological arousal (A-state).
2. Exercise had the significant effect of exercise on performance of SRT, and audienc presence had no significant effect on performance of SRT.
3. Audience presence had negatively significant effect on performance of CRT, and exercise had no significant effect on performance of CRT.
4. There were no significant effects of both exercise and audience on the subject’s CMP.
5. There were no significant interactional effects of exercise and audience on performance of SRT, CRT, and CMP.
In conclusion, physiological arousal induced by consistent exercise results in better performance on simple task which requirs for speed, while psychological arousal caused by audience presence detrimentary influences on performance of choice task which requires for speed as well as cognitive decision making.
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A STUDY ON WAYS OF PHYSICAL EXERCISE AND CHANGES OF THE EXERCISE RESULTS ACCORDING TO THE ROLLING OF A SHIP 인문 · 사회과학편 : 선박(船舶)의 로울링에 따른 인체운동(人體運動)의 방법(方法) 및 운동성적변화(運動成績變化)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
30(1) 13-31, 1991
A STUDY ON WAYS OF PHYSICAL EXERCISE AND CHANGES OF THE EXERCISE RESULTS ACCORDING TO THE ROLLING OF A SHIP 인문 · 사회과학편 : 선박(船舶)의 로울링에 따른 인체운동(人體運動)의 방법(方法) 및 운동성적변화(運動成績變化)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
The purpose of this study is to investigate how human body moves and how the movement results change according to the rolling of a ship in order to obtain data for a safer and better physical exercise in the ship. The major findings of this study include the questions raised by physical exercise on board the ship and the application of the exercise as follows.
I. The questions of physical exercise
1. The limit of the exercise
1) The rolling of a ship put a limit on the ways and contents of the exercise.
2) The place for exercise is only on the dock and in the berth, so the exercise is limited by the place.
3) The environment of the ship is inadquate and improper for exercise, so the regulation and contiunation of exercise is limited.
2. The simplicity of the exercise
1) Because of the limited ways of exercise, different kinds of exercise for strengthening different parts of human body are simple.
2) Because of the ship’s structure which makes it impossible to have a variety of comprehensive sports equipment, the ship is equipped with small and simple sporting goods.
3) The decreasing number of the crewmen results in the corresponding number of exercise.
II. The application of the exercise.
1. At the time the ship is not rolling
1) The necessity of exercise and the theoretical background of training shall be presented.
2) The available exercise shall be diagramed according to physical strength.
3) The exercise shall be conducted in consideration of hours of duty and recreation.
4) In order to strengthen the whole body, the item of exercise shall become a set of exercise.
5) The exercise for strengthening muscle tenacity and heart functioning shall be encouraged.
6) The adjustment of the inexperienced crewman to the seafaring shall be presented.
7) The ways of the equipment and purchase of sporting goods shall be advised.
2. At the time the ship is rolling
1) The exercise without any sporting goods shall be encouraged.
2) The use any object around the crewman shall be encouraged.
3) The sporting goods available at the time of the roiling of the ship shall be encouraged to be made and used.
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A STUDY OF LEISURE FUNCTIONING IN DANCE 인문 · 사회과학편 : 댄스활동의 여가 기능에 관한 연구
30(1) 33-41, 1991
A STUDY OF LEISURE FUNCTIONING IN DANCE 인문 · 사회과학편 : 댄스활동의 여가 기능에 관한 연구
The purpose of this study was to investigate the assessment of leisure functioning in dance.
The research instrument employed in this study was the Korean version of Leisure Diagonistic Battery (LDB). The subject were 200 adults who were enrolled in dance activity classes in different private leisure service centers in Seoul. The statistical analysis employed this study was ANOVA. The conclusions os this study were as follow :
first, dance participation is most likely to ositive in leisure functioning.
second, in the case of leisure functioning according to education level, while there were statistically significant differences in leisure control.
third, in the case of leisure functioning according to one’s major, while there were statistically significant difference in leisure need.
fourth, in the case of leisure functioning according to age, while there were statistically significant differeces according to increase age. And while there were statistically significant difference in leisure control. depth of leisure involvement.
fifth, in the case of leisure functioning according to income, while there were no statistically difference.
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A study on the recognition of physical education purpose according to the high school types on the basis of purpose curriculum framework (PPCF) 인문 · 사회과학편 : 고등학교 형태별 체육목표 인식도 연구 - 목표 · 과정 체육 교육과정 중심으로 -
고병교ByungKyoKo , 진성룡SungRyougJin
30(1) 43-53, 1991
A study on the recognition of physical education purpose according to the high school types on the basis of purpose curriculum framework (PPCF) 인문 · 사회과학편 : 고등학교 형태별 체육목표 인식도 연구 - 목표 · 과정 체육 교육과정 중심으로 -
고병교ByungKyoKo , 진성룡SungRyougJin
According to the school types, is there different recognition of P.E. purpose? For the answer of this question, we employed questionnaires consisted of purpose concepts based on PPCF, one of the P.E. curriculums. The results of questionnaires from four types of high school boys were analyzed by the means of ANOVA and Tukey test. The conclusions reached by researchers are as follows.
1. Compared to the other factors, high school boys had greater recognition on the individual development.
2. Students of general high school had higher congnizance on the individual development than those of special school.
3. First grades had higher perceptions both on environmental copying and social interaction than third grades.
4. No significant differences were existed among grades for professional high school. However, the first grades had higher recognition on three key concepts than the third grades for the general and special high school.
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A study on the Achievement Motivation of College Athletes - Centerd on the comparative between Individual Athletes and Team Athletes Group - 인문 · 사회과학편 : 대학운동선수(大學運動選手)의 성취동기(成就動機)에 관(關)한 특성(特性) 비교연구(比較硏究) - 개인경기선수(個人競技選手)와 단체경기선수(團體競技選手)를 중심(中心)으로 -
30(1) 55-67, 1991
A study on the Achievement Motivation of College Athletes - Centerd on the comparative between Individual Athletes and Team Athletes Group - 인문 · 사회과학편 : 대학운동선수(大學運動選手)의 성취동기(成就動機)에 관(關)한 특성(特性) 비교연구(比較硏究) - 개인경기선수(個人競技選手)와 단체경기선수(團體競技選手)를 중심(中心)으로 -
In order to highten the game power through investigating in to the horizon following feature rates of College Athletes and its groups about sports achievement motivation, We have arranged the Mean about the features composed of 17 items of TSMI questionnaire, and have statistion checks. As a result we had the conclusions as following.
1. A Comparation between Individual Athletes and Team Athletes Group.
And the average point, 22.41 of Individual Athletics are higher than one of Team Athletics 22.24, but there being no significant differences(p>0.05). We are able to know that both Team Athletics and Individual Athletics don’t make differences in their Characteristics.
But, in the Individual Athletics, as for the Accomplishment Motivation of Athletes, the high and low differences between characteristics were large(p<0.05).
And, in Team Athletics, mutually similar characteristics distribution emerged, due to the connotation of Common Consciousness.
2. A Comparation of items by their features.
The ranks of features of Individual Athletics are : wrestling, 23.17, Track and Field, 22.42, Shooting, 22.19, Boxing 22.08(P<0.05), and those of group items are : Baseball is 22.71, Football, 22.06, Basketball, 21.84, And in general the most deliberate difference by the comparation between Individual and Team were made by p<0.001 owing to "Challenge for a goal", "Will to the skill-raising", and the Accomodation of coaches. Still more, the highest point as 28.33 was shown to be the feature of a Fighting spirit of Wrestling(p<0.001). and the lowest point resulted from "Tension-uneasiness" in Track and Field a as well as Baseball.
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This study analyzed factors involved in conflict of preferenced group and behavioral group in sports for all activity 인문 · 사회과학편 : 사회체육(社會體育) 선호집단(選好集團)과 행동집단(行動集團)의 환경적(環境的) 관여(關與)에 관한 비교분석(比較分析)
장인석InSukJang , 육조영JoYoungYuk
30(1) 69-77, 1991
This study analyzed factors involved in conflict of preferenced group and behavioral group in sports for all activity 인문 · 사회과학편 : 사회체육(社會體育) 선호집단(選好集團)과 행동집단(行動集團)의 환경적(環境的) 관여(關與)에 관한 비교분석(比較分析)
장인석InSukJang , 육조영JoYoungYuk
A conclusion is derived from this result of study as follow.
1) In case of preferened group response of eight variance consisted of objective factor subjective factor. Motor experience factor caused lack of cognizance about training whereas low-high of ability was concerned with man, woman was influenced by sports for all attitude.
2) Three factors of concerned patters in addictive factors stabilijed. correlation rate at second steps in each step of group in case of preferened group although subjective factor>motor experience> objective factor appear to woman, inorder as whole subjective is More concerned with both Mand and woman.
3) In case of behavioral group both man and woman are more involved in motivational interest in sports for all thus In this occasion provision place recommandation propargenda (advertisement) information system are important for sports for activity expecially woman and greatly influenced by recreation but In general we can say that in Motor experience woman agent influenced by recration.
4) We compare preference group with practical group and hypokinetic maintains high position in common. preference and no practical group are regar as hypokinetic low-preference, no practical group preference and continuous practical group are not resulted in hypokinetic.
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Leisure activity anquete study for Workingmen 인문 · 사회과학편 : 한국 직장인들의 레저상황에 관한 연구
30(1) 79-86, 1991
Leisure activity anquete study for Workingmen 인문 · 사회과학편 : 한국 직장인들의 레저상황에 관한 연구
1. According to workingmen, 40.7% of them said that leisure activity means hobby action(being with family-19.5%, creativity-16.8%)
2. One of the man reason to have leisure activity is to solve his physical, phycological stress (leisure if to solve stress-33.6%, to spend extra time more usefully-32.7%)
3. 40.7% of workingman said that they are just staying at home for their leisure activity. It means that leisure activity is still unpopular to working men, But according to this anquete. If working men have enough time, they want to get involved in sport, Cuirure, hobby, so that they can have more free time from their electrical society.
4. Accept 22.2% of workingmen most of people felt good for their leisure activity, the main reason people didn`t feel good for their. leisure activity is that there is not enough time to have extra time.
Additional speech.....
1. By leisure activity, people can be healthyen physically, psycologically ; therefore, there has to be more study for leisure activity.
2. This anquete was only studied in male workingmen, and there might be big different between men and women, depend on place, social position.
3. It is studied in Seoul city area ;therefore, it can not be the right percentage for all of male worker.
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A Study on School Physical Education in China 인문 · 사회과학편 : 중국(中國)의 학교체육(學校體育)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
30(1) 87-99, 1991
A Study on School Physical Education in China 인문 · 사회과학편 : 중국(中國)의 학교체육(學校體育)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
My studies here covered a wide range of status of physical educations in the mainland China. Based on considerations and studies of outline of school physical education development, policies, purpose, mission, and curriculum of school physical education and teachers’ training course, the following conclusions are drawn :
1. The school physical education in the ancient and pre-modern times had sprung up originating from the birth of slave system in the society then.
Physical education was conducted in conjunction with literary and military courses as a mode of protecting one’s own control and of expanding one’s own land.
2. Since inauguration of Peopel’s Republic of China, the development of physical education in schools has had followed an hard uphill path at the time of revolutionaly leadership of Chinese Communist Party.
3. Policies of physical education in China was formed and governed by the national government authorities.
Various groups and organizations of sports under the umbrella of the government authorities conduct their physical exercise at the level of provence, city, sector and farm community equally for the objective of improving people’s physical fitnesses and of producing the maximum outstanding, sportsmen and women.
Physical education takes place at elementary athletic school, juvenile athletic school, workers’ athletic school and staffs’ athletic school.
In the year of 1956, the government authorities established a provision of cleassifying sportsmen and women for the aim of promoting progress of and build up of socialism. And its regulation prevails in effect now.
4. An objective of school physical education is directed to nurture ability of athletics, thought and personality of students and build up and cultivate workers to be armed with the modern spirit of supreme virtue, wisdom, prowess and beauty.
5. Teachers of physical education are turned out under various formalities and regulations and echelons since inauguration of new Chinese Government :
To outline current organizations and systems thereof :
Research Student System.
Regular Student Course.
Vocational Athletic Department.
Middle School Teacher System.
Refreshing course for current teachers of physical education.
Teacher of elementary school concurrently physical education.
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Therapeutic Method through Movement Education for Infantile Autism 인문 · 사회과학편 : 움직임 교육을 통한 자폐아 치료에 관한 연구
30(1) 101-109, 1991
Therapeutic Method through Movement Education for Infantile Autism 인문 · 사회과학편 : 움직임 교육을 통한 자폐아 치료에 관한 연구
The Purpose of this study was to exmine the therapeutic method through Movement Education for Infantile Autism.
The procedures were used to Analyze the related literature.
The following specific areas are described below ;
·The conceps and definition of Infantile Autism and Movement Education.
·The existing therapeutic methods of Infantile Autism.
·The therapeutic method of through Movement education for Infantile Autism.
The Results of this study were below
·Movement Education allows for Individualization and physical and Creative activity and expression out of the Autistic circumstance.
·Movement therapeutic Method is more effective any other therapeutic Methods for Infantile Autism.
·The therapist must remain free to move in and out of the often bizarre worlds of the Autistic child.
·Movement time is self discovery time as a child discovers new movements effected by hisown efferes, so do sense of self and wellbeing grow proportionately.
·Movement thraphy encourages fuller human funtioning through communication between the inner and outer worlds.
·Effective therapy of Infantile Autism reqnines description, patience, love and energy.
·Full acceptance of the child’s pre-verbal symbols ore the core of the Movement theraphy model.
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The Effects of Inter - Stimulus Interval and Numbers of Alternatives of Secondary Task on Psychological Refractory Preiod 인문 · 사회과학편 : 자극간 시간차와 2차과제의 선택수에 따른 심리적 불응기
30(1) 111-116, 1991
The Effects of Inter - Stimulus Interval and Numbers of Alternatives of Secondary Task on Psychological Refractory Preiod 인문 · 사회과학편 : 자극간 시간차와 2차과제의 선택수에 따른 심리적 불응기
Psychological Refractory Period(PRP) is the delay in the response to the second of two closely speced stimuli. This study was examined to find out the effects of inter-stimuls interval and numbers of alternatives of secondary task on PRP, Subjects were 6 male students who participated in experiment volumtarily. Experimental task was doble-stimulus task which first task was target aiming and second task was button pressing task. Results showed that inter-stimulus interval influences on PRP, but numbers of alternatives of secondary task does not influence on PRP.
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A Study on the change of visual activity and refractive angle through eye exercise 인문 · 사회과학편 : 시력(視力) 회복(回復)을 위한 안구운동(眼球運動)에 관한 연구(硏究)
The purpose of this study was analyse the change of visual acuity(VA) and refractive angle(RA) through eye exercise. Subjects were fourty two childs of elementary school from 3rd to 4th grade (now 5th, 6th grade), whose visual acuity were myopia of below 0.7. They were divided to experimental group(17) and control group(25) at random. The experimental group were traind to third of the eye exercise for 10 weeks, but the control group were not. The VA & RA were analysed by pre and post-test of two groups.
Eye exercise were utilized by the methods of sccadic, smooth persuit, vestibular, far & near, and assistant exercise. Turn table system, flicker light system and eye exercise board were used to eye exercise. RA were measured by ophthalmologist(Doctor Mr. Park), the method was skiascopy. The results of study were as follow…
1. The change of visual acuity
Left eye of experimental group were increased 0.06(p<0.01), right were 0.09(p<0.01) through eye exercise. Left and right eye of control group were decreased some. The change of control group didn’t have and significance. The difference of change between the two groups in left and right eye were all significance at p<0.01 level.
2. The change of refractive angle
The vertical and horizontal angle of left eye of two groups didn’t have any significance. Right eye were, too. The difference of change between the two groups didn’t have any significance.
By these results, the change of VA through eye exercise were agreed with the theories of Bates, Kepler and Curtin, but RA were not. According to these results, the eye exercise is efficient to recover VA, but it will further study to as the relation between RA and eye exercise.
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Strategy for Improvement of College Entrance Examination in Physical Education Areas 인문 · 사회과학편 : 체육계대학(體育系大學)의 입시전형방법(入試銓衡方法)의 개선방안(改善方案)
강상조SangJoKang , 이광섭KwangSubLee , 김창곤ChangKonKim
30(1) 129-141, 1991
Strategy for Improvement of College Entrance Examination in Physical Education Areas 인문 · 사회과학편 : 체육계대학(體育系大學)의 입시전형방법(入試銓衡方法)의 개선방안(改善方案)
강상조SangJoKang , 이광섭KwangSubLee , 김창곤ChangKonKim
This study was undertaken to explore the improvement strategy for college entrance examination in physical education areas. In this study the relevancy of proceedings of physical fitness test battery, sports skill test, and other factors related to the college entrance examination of physical education areas, were discussed and analyzed. The implications of the study are as follows ;
1. In rating scale for sports skill test, criterion score determining of basic ability level is serious problem. This result was discussed in terms of the theoritical and pratical study in criterion score.
1. On the principle of evaluation, physical fitness test battery items, scoring norm, test protocol must be informed.
1. In terms of the enhancement of test reliability, physical fitness subtest sequence, inter-test time interval, test instrument must be standardized.
1. On the principle of evaluation, sports skill test items, scoring norm, evaluation objects, test protocol must be informed.
1. In terms of the enhancement of test objectivity, number of rater in sports skill test must be constructed by more than 5.
1. Indirect college entrance examination by personal history of prize of sports competition must be rearranged to be applicable with performing by themselves in sports skill.
1. In terms of the enhancement of test objectivity in sports skill test, rating scale must be rearranged to be applicable with objectively skill test by develped task analysis approach.
The Effects of the Background of Moving Target on the Batter's Reaction Time 자연과학편 : 이동표적의 배경이 타자의 반응속도에 미치는 영향
30(1) 155-165, 1991
The Effects of the Background of Moving Target on the Batter's Reaction Time 자연과학편 : 이동표적의 배경이 타자의 반응속도에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of the targets and their backgrounds on the batting reaction time 80 volunteer college male students participated in the experiments. They were randomly assigned for two target color groups(yellow and black) and each group was composed of 40 subjects each. According to yellow and black targets, green and white backgrounds, and narrow and wide backgrounds, the mean and the standard deviation were calculated in order to ascertion the effects of target attributes on the batting reaction time. By repeated measureing of these three factors(target color, background color, and background width) by the factorial ANOVA, The following findings were obtained :
1) There is a significant difference of batting reaction time the between the yellow and block target colors when the background color is green.
2) There is a tendency of difference of batting reaction time between the green and white back ground colors when the target color is black.
3) There is a significant difference of batting reaction time between the narrow and wide background width.
From the results of this study, We found that (1) a batter’s batting reaction time was more affected by background width than by background color, (2) batter’s batting reaction time to the white background was shorter tendency than to the green background when the target color was black, and (3) batting reaction time to the yellow target was shorter than to the black target when the background color was green.
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Effect of Different Loads of Exercise on Cardiovascular Function and Blood Chemistry in Athletic High School Boys 자연과학편 : 고등학교운동선수(高等學校運動選手)에서 운동강도(運動强度)의 차이(差異)에 따른 심맥계(心脈系) 및 혈액성분(血液成分)의 변화(變化)
Effect of Different Loads of Exercise on Cardiovascular Function and Blood Chemistry in Athletic High School Boys 자연과학편 : 고등학교운동선수(高等學校運動選手)에서 운동강도(運動强度)의 차이(差異)에 따른 심맥계(心脈系) 및 혈액성분(血液成分)의 변화(變化)
In order to elucidate the physiologic effects of different loads of exercise, heart rate, blood pressure, blood pH, and blood lactate, glucose and insulin concentrations were measured from 14 athletic and 16 non-athletic high school boys aged between 15-18 years during and after submaximal exercises to 50% and 80% of VO₂max.
Heart rate was significantly lower in athletes than in non-athletes. During 50%-exercise, it was increased to 138.1min-1 in athletes and 146.1min-1 in non-athletes. During 80%-exercise, it was increased to 177.3min-1 in athletes and l76.5min-1 in non-athletes. In athletes, the heart rate showed slower increase during exercise and more rapid recovery after exercise than in nonathletes.
Systolic blood pressure showed similar increase in athletes and non-athletes, to 146.0 and 145.4 mmHg, during 50%-exercise respectively. During 80%-exercise, it was increased to 180.6mmHg in athletes which was significantly higher than 162.3mmHg in non-athletes. It showed rapid recovery after exercise, was restored to the resting value at 5min, and was further decreased at 10 min after exercise. Diastolic pressure was not altered significantly with exercise.
RPP at rest was 8.92 x 10³mmHg. bpm in athletes and 10.63 x 10³mmHg. bpm in non-athletes. During 50%-exercise, it was increased to 16.30 X 10³mmHg. bpm in athletes which was significantly lower than 19.25x10³mmHg.bpm in non-athlete. During 80%-exercise, it was increased to 28.25x10³mmHg.bpm in athletes which was similar to 27.23×10³mmHg.bpm in non-athletes.
Exercise time was 7min 49sec in athletes which was significantly longer than 5min 32sec in non-athletes during 50%-exercise. During 80%-exercise, it was 12min 3sec in athletes which was significantly longer than 9 min 13sec in non-athletes.
Maximum oxygen uptake was 53.3㎖/㎏/min in athletes which was significantly higher than 38.9㎖/㎏/min in non-athletes.
Blood pH was not altered significantly with 50%-exercise but decreased significantly after 80% exercise in both groups. Blood lactate was increased after exercise in both groups with significant difference shown only in 80%-exercise.
Blood glucose was not altered with exercise in athletes but was more or less decreased with increasing load of exercise in non-athletes. Blood insulin level was significantly decreased after 50% and 80%-exercise where athletes showed greater decrease. Hematocrit was increased after 50%-and 80%-exercise.
In summary, exercise load of 50∼80% of VO₂max was equivalent to 140∼177bpm of heart rate. Exercise to 50% VO₂max caused increase of blood pressure to about 145mmHg and increased myocardial oxygen consumption but did not alter the blood pH, lactate and glucose, a result attributable mainly to an aerobic metabolism. Exercise to 80% VO₂max caused significant change in the circulatory function as well as blood chemistry to suggest that anaerobic metabolism was also utilized. And the athletes showed higher VO₂max, cardiac contractility and efficiency, and lower blood lactate and insulin during exercise suggesting more efficient utilization of energy than non-athletes.
Key Words
Pulmonary Ventilatory Function in Competitive Swimmers 자연과학편 : 수영선수(水泳選手)의 폐환기기능(肺換氣機能) 및 집중훈련(集中訓練)이 이에 미치는 영향(影響)
In studying the pulmonary ventilatory function in competitive swimmers with a mean age of 15.2 years, differences were determined between swimmers and controls. In addition the effects of short-term(7-9 weeks) intensive training on the swimmers were observed. The study groups consisted of 22 female swimmers with a mean career of 5.7 years and 22 matched controls. The ventilatory parameters studied were those obtained by the analyses of simultaneously recorded forced expiratory volume and maximal expiratory flow-volume curves, as well as spirometric measurements of VC and MVV. In the swimmers, VC and observed values of effort-dependent ventilatory parameters, such as MVV, FEV1&2, FEF200-1200, PEF and FEF25%, were significantly higher than those in the controls. However, when these values were volume-adjusted to FVC, the differences became insignificant. Moreover, the observed values of effort-independent flow parameters, such as FEF25-75%, FEF50% and FEF25%, also showed no significant differences between the two groups. These facts suggest that the enhanced ventilatory function and increased VC in competitive swimmers are primarily due to an increase in respiratory muscle strength obtained by a long period of training, and short-term intensive training has no significant effects on the improvement of ventilatory function.
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A Comparative study on the Anaerobic threshold of Sprinters and middle distance runners 자연과학편 : 육상(陸上) 단(短) · 중거리선수(中距離選手)들의 무산소성역치(無酸素性閾値)의 비교연구(比較硏究)
유창재ChangJaeYoo , 양정옥JeongOckYang
30(1) 193-200, 1991
A Comparative study on the Anaerobic threshold of Sprinters and middle distance runners 자연과학편 : 육상(陸上) 단(短) · 중거리선수(中距離選手)들의 무산소성역치(無酸素性閾値)의 비교연구(比較硏究)
유창재ChangJaeYoo , 양정옥JeongOckYang
This paper was attempted to investigate the anaerobic threshold of sprinters and middle distance runners.
Subjects were 4male sprinters and 4male middle distance runners enrolled in track and field team of some university located in pusan city respectively.
Each subject were examined the gradual increasing treadmill run test by EOS-sprinter(Jaeger CO, West Germany).
Determining method of anaerobic threshold was non-invasive method supplemented by wasserman et al, (1973)
Results are as follows
1) Average value of VO₂max for sprinter group was 4.3l/min, and that of middle distance runner group was 4.4l/min(p>.05).
Maximal minutes ventilation were 127.3l/min, and 135.81/min respectively(p<.001)
VO₂max/kg, min were 55.8㎖/㎏. min and 67.7㎖/㎏. min respectively (p(<.001).
H.Rmax of each group were 193.3bpm and 187. 0bpm (p< .05).
2) The maximal oxygen uptake of each group at anaerobic threshold(AT-VO₂max) were 3.2l/ min. and 3.1l/min(p >.05) and VO₂㎖/㎏.min of each group were 48.8㎖/㎏.min and 47.9㎖/㎏. min (p>.05), and those of AT-% VO₂were 87.3% and 71.0%, AT-H.R of each group were 165.5bpm, and 144.3bpm(p<.05) and those of AT-%HRmax were 85.6% and 77.2% respectively.
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An anthropometric study on optimum body weight of weight class athletes 자연과학편 : 체급경기선수의 최적체중을 위한 인체측정학적 연구
The purpose of this study was to find the optimum body weight of weight class athletes.
Fifty(50) K-university students, composed of twenty(20) taekwondo athletes, fifteen(15) boxing athletes and fifteen(15) judo athletes were randomly selected.
Each participant was tested and the results of the data analysis with respect to anthropometric characteristics are as follows ;
1) According to the results of this study, the heavier athletes generally had high anthropometric scores.
2) A significant relationship was discovered between body weight and anthropometric factors.
3) The stepwise regression model which predicts the optimum body weight for each sport was conceived.
optimum body weight=(0.68×Body height)+(0.44×Chest depth)+(1.2×Chest diameter)+(2.52×Ankle diameter)+(0.58 × Bi-iliac diameter)-147.94
Optimum body weight=(1.92×Bitrochanteric)+(2.89×Chest depth)+(2.28×Wrist diameter)-82.05
4) The multiple regression model which calculates the optimum body height and chest girth for each sport was conceived.
Optimum body weight=(1.13×Body height)+(0.68×Chest girth)-187.59
Optimum body weight=(0.59×Body height)+(0.91×Chest girth)-117.82
Optimum body weight=(0.64×Body height)+(1.31×Chest girth)-160.35
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The Study of the Effect of Ginseng on the Muscular fitness of Soccer Players 자연과학편 : 인삼복용(人蔘服用)이 축구선수(蹴球選手)의 체력(體力)에 미치는 영향(影響)
30(1) 211-223, 1991
The Study of the Effect of Ginseng on the Muscular fitness of Soccer Players 자연과학편 : 인삼복용(人蔘服用)이 축구선수(蹴球選手)의 체력(體力)에 미치는 영향(影響)
This study was undertaken to examine the effect of ginseng physical fitness, 30 soccer players at K high school and 23 soccer players at K university were divided into two groups.
The ginseng group was given 8g ginseng powder per day, 4g in the morning and 4g in the evening before meals.
The effect of ginseng was measured in terms of their body weight, leg strength, back strength, all-out time and physical work capacity 170 with cycle ergometer.
Evaluation was made in four steps of pre test before the experimental, post 1 test after 4 weeks, post 2 test after 8 weeks, and post 3 test after 12 weeks.
The results are as follows ;
1. When comparing in the physical fitness, the ginseng group showed to have higher improvement than the control group.
2. Ginseng group showed to have most influence on the muscular strength and PWC170.
3. Taking ginseng for a long period of the rather than a short period of time showed to have a higher effect on the body.
4. Taking in ginseng during high school years rather than in college years showed to be a better time.
Key Words
Effect of long term training on the maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) in the specific sports 자연과학편 : 운동종목별 특성에 따른 장기간 훈련이 최대산소섭취량에 미치는 영향
김양수YangSooKim , 황수관SooKwanHwang , 김종훈JongHunKim
30(1) 225-234, 1991
Effect of long term training on the maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) in the specific sports 자연과학편 : 운동종목별 특성에 따른 장기간 훈련이 최대산소섭취량에 미치는 영향
김양수YangSooKim , 황수관SooKwanHwang , 김종훈JongHunKim
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of long term specific sports on the maximal oxygen uptake(VO₂ max) and to provide the basic data for the effective training and exercise prescription.
Subjects partispated for this experiment was 25 athletes(7 distance runner, 8 soccer, 6 swimmerand 4 baseball player) and 12 general students in the physical education.
Maximal ventilation revealed in orders for soccer(104 l/min), runner(103 l/min), baseball player(89 l/min) and swimmer(80 l/min).
Maximal heart rate(HRmax) showed in orders for baseball player, swimmer, runner and soccer. Soccer and runner were significantly lower than non-athletes(p<0.001).
Maximal respiratory rate revealed in orders for soccer, baseball player, runner and swimmer, But tidal volumes showed in orders for runner, soccer, baseball player and swimmer.
Maximal oxygen uptake(VO₂ max) revealed in orders for runner(59,3 ㎖/㎏/min), soccer(47,1 ㎖/㎏/min), swimmer(41.4 ㎖/㎏/min) and baseball player(38.1 ㎖/㎏/min).
Systolic blood pressure(SBP) was increased higer than 200 mmHg in runner and soccer in the one minute recovery period, But SBP was recurred similarly rest condition in the 7 minutes recovery period.
Daistolic blood pressure(DBP) after exercise was lowered than rest state, But DBP was recurred in, the 3-5 minutes recovery period.
Key Words
Application of photo - instrumentation on sports Biomechanice. - With running - 자연과학편 : 스포츠 생체역학에 있어서 사진계측의 응용연구 (육상 단거리를 중심으로)
30(1) 235-243, 1991
Application of photo - instrumentation on sports Biomechanice. - With running - 자연과학편 : 스포츠 생체역학에 있어서 사진계측의 응용연구 (육상 단거리를 중심으로)
In recent years, the literature abounds with Biomechaniecal studies of running.
The emphasis of running reserches has been on aquiring a better understanding of biomechanics of running.
The objective of this paper focus on describing and evaluating the movement patterns employed by selected parameters during the stride.
One locam 16㎜ camera at speed of 64fps. was used to film each student’s running technique from the side of the student.
Four of selected film pictures from take-off to landing were described.
The paper tracings were then transfered from the film using film projector.
The approach of CLAUSTER ET, AL was used to calculated the center of gravity of each photograph in order to determin the location of COG.
By comparing our data from the film pictures, There are many obvious differences from the top sprinters.
The film pictures analysis is a effective method to quatitively determine and analyze the running technique.
By analyzing the running technique using the biomechanical approach we can learn many interesting and in formative facts to help teaching and studying future sport technique.
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The Development of Computer Program for Physical Fitness test and Exercise Prescription 자연과학편 : 체력진단 및 운동처방을 위한 컴퓨터 프로그램개발에 관한 연구
The study was processed to develop the computer program for scientific exercise prescription to diagnose health of adult and to evaluate the level of physical fitness.
The physical fitness of creteria used in these programs are based on the physical fitness of criteria (age, sex) which KSSI(Korea Sports Science Institution) investigated through the examination of physical fitness with the object of the whole nation from seven years old to sixty.
These programs are designed to identify two level of physical fitness and be able to delete, save and print the data.
The language used in these programs is BASIC and the program developed are as follow ;
1. The computer program for estimation of physical fitness to person.
1) The computer program for medical examination.
2) The computer program for physique examination.
3) The computer program for physical fitness examination and estimation.
4) The computer program for body fat examination and estimation.
5) The computer program for cardio-respiratory function eximination and extimation.
2. The computer program for exercise prescription.
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Change of Blood Lipids after Submaximal Exereise in Patientc with Adult Type-Diabetes 자연과학편 : 성인형(成人型) 당뇨병(糖尿病) 환자(患者)의 최대하(最大下) 운동훈련시(運動訓練時) 혈중지질(血中脂質)의 변화(變化)
30(1) 265-276, 1991
Change of Blood Lipids after Submaximal Exereise in Patientc with Adult Type-Diabetes 자연과학편 : 성인형(成人型) 당뇨병(糖尿病) 환자(患者)의 최대하(最大下) 운동훈련시(運動訓練時) 혈중지질(血中脂質)의 변화(變化)
The purpose of this study was to inrestigate the lipid metabolic Changes of exercise therapy upon adult type-diabetes, this experiment firstly tests, by Bruce protocol on treadmill, the maximal heart rate of eight mole patientc with adult type-diabetic : and them Compares the blood lipid of Pre-exercise training with following changes of post exercie of the patientc during two weeks of Submaximal exercise which is loaded for 20 minutes once a day under 65% maximal heart rate : total cholesterol, triglyceride, HDL-Cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, HDL/total cholesterol ratio.
These tests and comparisons show the following out comes.
1. The change of the total cholesterol is 192.75±19.32㎎/㎗ and 188.75±13.79. But these do not show a significant difference between the two.
2. The triglyceride is redused from 166.75±105.67㎎/㎗ to 144.625±57.70. But these changes do not show any significant difference between them.
3. H㎗ is increased from 42.58±8.04㎎/㎗ to 48.55±13.36. but the difference between the two resitc does not seem significant.
4. L㎗ is reduced from 116.83±25.30 ㎎/㎗ to 111.28±13.13 but the difference between the two results does not seen significant.
5. H㎗/total cholesterol ratio is increased from 22.25±4.69% to 25.65±6.33, these results show a significant difference between per and post exercise(p<0.05).
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30(1) 277-286, 1991
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Experimental Studies on the Bioeffects of Physiological Factors for Maximal Exercise 자연과학편 : 최대운동부하(最大運動負荷)가 생리적(生理的) 제(諸) 요소(要素)에 미치는 영향(影響)에 관한 실험적(實驗的) 연구(硏究)
신갑호KapHoShin , 박종성JongSungPark
30(1) 287-304, 1991
Experimental Studies on the Bioeffects of Physiological Factors for Maximal Exercise 자연과학편 : 최대운동부하(最大運動負荷)가 생리적(生理的) 제(諸) 요소(要素)에 미치는 영향(影響)에 관한 실험적(實驗的) 연구(硏究)
신갑호KapHoShin , 박종성JongSungPark
In many cases, the cycle-ergometer is the prefermed instrument for use in routin studies for physical fitness and adaption to exercise. Energy output can be predicted with greater accuracy in cycling than for any other type of exercise.
It is intention of author to study on the bioeffect physical factors of respiratory function for maximal exercise with cycle-ergometer under several heading : athletic observation on changes of heart rate, respiration frequency and tidal volume in the cardio - pulmonary function during the maximal exercise and that of the respiratory physiological function such as ventilation(minute volume, L/min., BTPS), oxygen consumption per Kg Body weigth and end-tidal oxygen pressure (mmHg), and thay of gases exchanges such as oxygen consumption(㎖/min., STDP), carbon -dioxide production(㎖/min., STPD) and respiratory exchange ratio(RQ). And statistical relation- ship among the various factors of cardio-pulmonary function during maximal exercise with cycle-ergometer and factors of respiratory physiological function were determined in twenty-eight subjects of mail and female college athletes in seoul area.
As a results of this study, the following conclusion were obtained :
1) In aspect of cardio-pulmonary function that heart rate, respiration frequency, tidal volume, ventilation, oxygen consumption per Kg body weight, end-tidal oxygen pressure, oxygen consumption(㎖/min), carbon dioxide production(㎖/min.) and respiratory exchange ratio(RQ) were tend to be significantly increased after progressive maximal exercise to be before all-out time with cycle-ergometer in experimental subjects, when compared those of data in male were excellent of tolerance and prologed to maximal exercise with cycle-ergometer than female subjects.
2) Correlation coefficient among the heart rate of cardiac function during maximal exercise with cycle-ergometer and the respiration frequency, ventilation, tidal volume, oxygen consumption per Kg body weight, end-tidal oxygen pressure, oxygen consumption(㎖/min.), carbon-dioxide production(㎖/min.), and respiratory exchange ratio in male subjects were r=+0.912, +0.888. +0.909. +0.893. -0.782, +0.892, +0.879, and +0.891, respectively and that of female subjects were r=+0.955, +0.993, +0.989, +0.091, -0.491, +0.995, +0.996 and +0.981, respectively.
3) Statistical relationship among the respiration frequency of respiratory function during maximal exercise with cycle-ergometer and ventilation, tidal volume, oxygen consumption per Kg body weight, end-tidal oxygen pressure, oxygen consumption (㎖/min.), carbon-dioxide production (㎖/min.) and respiratory exchange ratio in male subjects were r=+0.997, +0.968, +0.991, -0.805, +0.989, +0.992 and +0.931, respectively, and that of female subjects were r=+0.991, +0.971, +0.977, -0.562, 0.983, +0.991, and +0.989, respectively.
Finaly, it is hope that those information will be use for reference in futher studies of the physical fitness and athletic science.
Key Words
The effect of exercise stress on the changes of urine composition 자연과학편 : 운동부하(運動負荷)가 뇨(尿)성분 변화에 미치는 영향
30(1) 305-312, 1991
The effect of exercise stress on the changes of urine composition 자연과학편 : 운동부하(運動負荷)가 뇨(尿)성분 변화에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to investigate changes in the urine composition after treadmill exercise. 12 general students and 10 athletes were paticipated for this experiment. All of them were males and 20-23years old.
The subject was required to omit the meal preceding the test and to run his best capacity on the treadmill by Bruce protocol.
the results were as follows.
pH mean values was decreased 0.32 after exercise and 1.0 in the recovery 60 minutes. Protein was to show positive only one subject in the resting state, but to increase 10 subjects after exercise and to decrease 4 subjects in the recovery 60 minutes.
Glucose, Blood, Ketone body, Bilirubin and Urobilinogen were not changed pre-, post exercise and in the recovery 60 minutes.
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The Effect of Swimming Exercise on Serum Corticosterone and Blood Histamine Contents in Mice 자연과학편 : 수영운동(水泳運動)이 mouse의 혈청(血淸) cortcostrone 및 전혈(全血) histamine 함량(含量) 변화(變化)에 미치는 영향(影響)
30(1) 313-325, 1991
The Effect of Swimming Exercise on Serum Corticosterone and Blood Histamine Contents in Mice 자연과학편 : 수영운동(水泳運動)이 mouse의 혈청(血淸) cortcostrone 및 전혈(全血) histamine 함량(含量) 변화(變化)에 미치는 영향(影響)
The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of swimming exercise (water bath temp, 24±2℃ or 12±2℃) and repetitive training on levels of serum corticosterone, blood and tissue histamine in mice, and were compared the intensity of swimming exercise with its of immobilization, ether anethesia and electric shock. In addition to, after the pretreatment of H₁-and H₂-antagonist, the intermediate channel of histamine was identified.
The results were summerized as follows ;
1. In swimming exercise(24±2℃), the serum corticosterone and blood histamine contents were increased to 960 ng/㎖ and 69.3ng/㎖ at 20min., and were reached the peak of 1359ng/㎖ and 75.9ng/㎖ at 40min. In swimming exercise (12±2℃) , their contents were increased to 447ng/㎖ and 64.5ng/㎖ at 10min., and were reached the peak of 1314ng/㎖ and 82ng/㎖ at 20min.
2. In the repetitive swimming exercise, the serum corticosterone and the blood histamine contents showed the maximum value in one day and were decreased from 3day to 9day.
3. The maximum peak of serum corticosterone in various stress, 1314ng/㎖ at 12℃±2℃ of water temperature and 960ng/㎖ at 24℃±2℃ in swimming exercise, 649ng/㎖ in immobilization stress, 938ng/㎖ in either anesthesia and 192ng/㎖ in electric shock, On the while the maximum contents of blood histamine, 82.0ng/㎖ at 12℃±2℃ and 76.4ng/㎖ at 24℃±2℃ of water temperature in swimming exercise, 79.5ng/㎖ in immobilization stress, 69.3ng/㎖ in ether anesthesia and 38.2ng/㎖ an electric shock. In this results, the serum corticosterone and blood histamine were significantly increased in swimming exercise and immobilization stress.
4. The pretreatment of H₁-diphenhydramine and H₂-cimetidine receptor antagonist after swimming exercise, the serum corticosterone and histamine contents of lung, kidney and spleen were significantly decreased in cimetidine-treated group.
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Analysis of Sports Injuries in Athletes 자연과학편 : 운동선수의 스포츠손상에 관한 임상적 분석 (6개 종목의 대학팀 선수를 중심으로)
변호광HoKangBeun , 엄기매KiMaiUm
30(1) 327-333, 1991
Analysis of Sports Injuries in Athletes 자연과학편 : 운동선수의 스포츠손상에 관한 임상적 분석 (6개 종목의 대학팀 선수를 중심으로)
변호광HoKangBeun , 엄기매KiMaiUm
Department of Physical Therapy of Minjoong Hospital, Collage of Medicine. Kun.Kuk University.
There were One Hundred and Sixty Five Patients who Visited with Sports Injuries of Athletes to Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and Department of Neurologic Surgery Kun.Kuk University Hospital.
Their Mode of distribution of specitic sports and Injured Sites, Injured Cthiology, Investigation and diagnosis were Analyced.
The Most Commonly Dignosis were Sprain 40%, Strain 6%, Contusion 14%.
The Common Injured Sites were Back, Knee and Ankle.
The Common Theatment Duration were 4 weeks.
Key Words
The Effects of Interval Goal Setting on Physical Fitness Training 자연과학편 : 동간(同間) 목표설정(目標設定)이 체력육성(體力育成) 훈련(訓練)에 미치는 효과(效果)
30(1) 335-342, 1991
The Effects of Interval Goal Setting on Physical Fitness Training 자연과학편 : 동간(同間) 목표설정(目標設定)이 체력육성(體力育成) 훈련(訓練)에 미치는 효과(效果)
The purpose of this project was to investigate the effects of different goal setting techniques on physical fitness training performance and learning. Of particular interests examined by this study was testing reliability and generality of the interval goal setting model developed by O`Block and Evans in 1984.
In experiment, 30 subjects performed the sit-up for one minute under three experimental conditions (interval goal setting, long term goal setting and no goal setting) for 12days of training phase. After training phase, a transfer phase for 3days was administered to all subjects in same conditions in order to examine practice effect resulted from the training period.
The results showed that the goal setting groups performed and learned the musule endurance and the dynamic muscle strength training on sit-up performance better than no goal setting group. But no significant difference showed to performance in training and transfer phase between interval goal setting group and long-term goal setting group.
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An Anthropometric Study on Predicable Establishment of Body Weight in boxer 자연과학편 : 복싱선수의 체급설정을 위한 인체측정학적 연구
This study is the result of analysis to know the minimal weight for the control of boxer`s body weight in the basis of the anthropometric measurement. This testing method includes measuring the physique factors, those are Standing Height, Chest Girth, Chest Diameter, Chest Depth, Bi-iliac Diameter, Bitrochanteric Diameter, Wrist Diameter(Left+Right), and Ankle Diameter(Left+Right).
The subjects are 209 boxers consisted of 55 middle school boxers, 50 high school boxers and 104 collegiate and adult boxers who are the representative of the city or Province.
The conclusion is as follows ;
1. Long Formula
1) Middle School
Minimal Weight=(.24×Standing Height)+(.34×Wrist Diameter)+(2.93×Ankle diameter)+(.38×Chest Diameter)+(.26×Chest Depth)+(1.14×Bi-iliac Diameter)+(.93×Bitrochanteric Diameter)-104.03
2) High School
Minimal Weight=(.42×Standing Height)+(.83×Wrist Diameter)+(1.74×Ankle diameter)+ (1.24Chest Diameter)+(.44×Chest Depth)+(.54×Bi-iliac Diameter)+(1.49×Bitrochanteric diameter)-125.01
3) College and Adults
Minimal Weight=(.89×Standing Height)+(.24×Wrist Diameter)+(1.53×Ankle Diameter)+(.31×Chest Diameter)+(.03×Chest Depth)+(.11×Bi-iliac Diameter)+(-.13×Bitrochanteric Diameter)-123.24
2. Short Formula
1) Middle School
Minimal Weight=(.40×Standing Height)+(.92×Chest Girth)-90.02
2) Height School
Minimal Weight=(.73×Standing Height)+(.89×Chest Girth)-141.00
3) College and Adults
Minimal Weight=(.94×Standing height)+(.77×Chest Girth)-171.96
Key Words
Effects of metabolism on the beverage ingestion during intermittent submaximal exercise load 자연과학편 : 간헐적 최대하 운동부하에 있어서 음료섭취가 체내대사에 미치는 영향
30(1) 353-367, 1991
Effects of metabolism on the beverage ingestion during intermittent submaximal exercise load 자연과학편 : 간헐적 최대하 운동부하에 있어서 음료섭취가 체내대사에 미치는 영향
In order to examine of the effects of metabolism during intermittent submaximal exercise in beverage ingestion, 12 male athletes from rowing and field and track events were tested for cycle ergometer exercise.
Twelve subjects completed two sessions consisting of 20 min of intermittent cycle ergometer exercise at 65-80% of VO₂max.
The test beverages consumed during experimental sessions provided a total of 250㎖ of 150㎖ and 100㎖ respectively.
The blood of subjects were extracted from anticubital wein gathered a total of fluid during each session ; before beverage ingestion, before first exercise, at the end of the 20-min first exercise, before second exercise and at the end of second exercise of the five periods.
Blood components analyses of blood glucose, FFA, lactate acid, insulin and LDH were performed using methods of the glucose oxidase, immunology, enzyme assay, radio immunology and Anne vassault.
Following were obtained by the tests and analyses :
1. The beverages ingestion before exercise, according to a sort of beverages, had significantly influnced on formation of blood sugar concentrations, whereas according to the exercise intensity, had significantly greater in a kind of beverages.
2. In the beverages ingestion before exercise, according to the work load times had significantly influenced on the changes of FFA concentrations, but were not significantly as compared to eac of beverages.
3. In the beverages ingestion, changes of L.A concentrations had not significantly influenced on its, but were slightly reduced, the changes L.A concentrations were influenced much more by comparison between first exercise and second exercise than by a kind of beverages.
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A Changes of Blood Lactate Concentration and Heart Rate in Volley - Ball Game 자연과학편 : 배구경기시 혈중젖산농도와 심박수의 변화
30(1) 369-376, 1991
A Changes of Blood Lactate Concentration and Heart Rate in Volley - Ball Game 자연과학편 : 배구경기시 혈중젖산농도와 심박수의 변화
The Purpose of this study was to measure and analysis on exercise load which for changes of Blood lactate concentration and H.R in Volley-Ball Game.
The Subjects were 4 male and 4 female player in Industrial Volley-Ball team. The Apparatus had used of the Auto-Lactate Anaiyzer(Y.S.I : U. S. A) and Wireless Heart Checker(Senoh : Japan).
Results of the study can be summarized as follows :
1. In Volley-Ball Game, Mean Heart Rate was found out individualley 137.6±2.38 beats/min and 145.7±2.72 beats/min by men and women.
2. Maximal Heart Rates as exercise load turned up 175.3±1.09 beats/min and 179.5±1.12 beats/min by men and women separately.
3. After volley-ball game, The maximal value of blood lactate concentration were found out 5.01±1.09 mM and 6.6±0.75 mM severally.
4. The accumulation of blood lactate concentration at OBLA level were turned up from 4 set at men, 3 set at women individually.
5. The Blood lactate concentration in women volley ball game, were appeared significants difference from 1 set than men.
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Effect of load changes of upperpart of human body on respones to walking gait 자연과학편 : 상체의 중량변화가 보행에 미치는 영향
홍성표SeongPyoHong , 권영옥YoungLkKwon , 이순호SoonHoLee
30(1) 377-388, 1991
Effect of load changes of upperpart of human body on respones to walking gait 자연과학편 : 상체의 중량변화가 보행에 미치는 영향
홍성표SeongPyoHong , 권영옥YoungLkKwon , 이순호SoonHoLee
The purpose of this study was to find out the effect for carrying load of 20% & 40% of body weight by measns of two different carrying systems on selected kinetic parameters describe the walking gait patterns.
1. The first maximum force value of vertical force component at double pack system (II) was significantly greater than for the other conditions and trough curve of minimum force at back pack system condition was significantly sluggisher than for the double pack system condition but its value appeared great.
2. Relative time to maximum braking force exerted by the individual in a horizontal plance of format force tended to decrease with loading body, relative time to transition of braking to propulsion was the most long at back pack system condition, relative time to maximum braking force was short at double system condition but long at back pack system.
3. Mediolateral impulse and center press displacement of format force was the largest at back system condition.
4. The body posture and gait pattern for double pack condition were more similar to those for normal walking than for the back pack system condition, suggest that the double pack system was biomechanically more effective than the conventional back pack system for carrying the loads investigated.
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The Comparison of Blood Catecholamines after Submaximal Treadmill Exercise According to Dance Majors 자연과학편 : 무용전공별(舞踊專攻別) 최대하(最大下) 운동부하(運動負荷) 후(後) 혈중(血中) CATECHOLAMLNS의 비교(比較)
30(1) 389-395, 1991
The Comparison of Blood Catecholamines after Submaximal Treadmill Exercise According to Dance Majors 자연과학편 : 무용전공별(舞踊專攻別) 최대하(最大下) 운동부하(運動負荷) 후(後) 혈중(血中) CATECHOLAMLNS의 비교(比較)
To investigate the influence of submaximal Treadmill exercise on cardiovascular system in each dance major, the levels of blood Catecholamines were measured after exercise in each groups.
The results were as follows ;
1) Blood epinephine level is the lowest in Ballet group, followed by Modern dance, and then Korean folk dance.
2) Blood norepinephine level is the lowest in Ballet group, followed by Modern dance, and then Korean folk dance.
As a conclusion, this study suggested that adaptation of the cardiovascular system to exercise in different according to the characteristics of each dance major and that Korean folk dance is relatively static, Ballet and Modern dance is relatively dynamic.
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A Study on the Actual Condition and Perception of Boxing Referees 자연과학편 : Boxing 경기(競技) 심판(審判)의 실태(實態)와 인식(認識)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
엄규환KyuHwanAum , 윤태식TaeSikYun
30(1) 397-415, 1991
A Study on the Actual Condition and Perception of Boxing Referees 자연과학편 : Boxing 경기(競技) 심판(審判)의 실태(實態)와 인식(認識)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
엄규환KyuHwanAum , 윤태식TaeSikYun
The purpose of this inquiry study was to investigate the actual condition and perception. The subjects were 93 boxing referees who served during National Games.
Most of all referee aged between 41-50 years old and occupation was business and teaching. All referee was experienced as boxer and instructor, as well as graduated from college or university.
Referees were got the chance to judge as official referee of 6 times a year and were in charged of 7-9 times a day. Most referee had confidence for their judgement, but appealed the needs that abroad training might be necessary for the international games. Most of referee had a pride as referee and hope to be a international referee in the future.
In conclusion, routine training system for referee might be necessary in order to improve the quality of boxing referee, furthermore the chance of abroad training may be open for the qualified referee.
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The Comparison of Lactate Recovery Level Between Male and Female After Maximum Exercise 자연과학편 : 최대운동부하(最大運動負荷) 후(後) 혈중(血中) 젖산에 의(依)한 회복(回復) 정도(程度)의 남녀(男女) 비교(比較)
30(1) 417-422, 1991
The Comparison of Lactate Recovery Level Between Male and Female After Maximum Exercise 자연과학편 : 최대운동부하(最大運動負荷) 후(後) 혈중(血中) 젖산에 의(依)한 회복(回復) 정도(程度)의 남녀(男女) 비교(比較)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the recovery difference between male and female using blood lactate changes after maximum exercise on treadmill. This study was conducted by comparing between 10 males and 10 females, Lactate samples were collected at rest, immediately after exercise, and at 5 and l0min and 20 min. postexercise. The following is the conclusion :
1) No difference in lactate level existed between two groups at immediately after exercise.
2) In comparing male, lactate recovery began at immediately exercise, but in female showed no significant difference within 20min postexercise.
3) Difference of lactate recovery level between two group began from 10 min postexercise.
As a conclusion response of lactate existed nonsignificant difference between two groups after maximum exercise, but male showed more rapid recovery level than female. So, to increase training effects of the general public firstly to participate exercise program, should be considered recovery level of exercise according to sex.
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Experimental study of Body Weight Reduction 자연과학편 : 체중감량(體重減量)에 관(關)한 실험적(實驗的) 연구(硏究)
30(1) 423-437, 1991
Experimental study of Body Weight Reduction 자연과학편 : 체중감량(體重減量)에 관(關)한 실험적(實驗的) 연구(硏究)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the changes of the strength, pulmonary function, exercise capacity, and blood components during progressive bodyweight reduction.
The subjects of this study were 21 trained male college Taekwondo and Judo athletes. And, they were randomly assigned to three groups. (Reducing Diet Group. Fasting Group, and Sauna Group)
The results were summarized as follows :
1. The changes of body weight reduction
1) The order of body weight reduction was decreased in Fasting(8.7%), Sauna(7.7%), and Reducing Diet(7.2%).
2) Fasting group showed fast body weight reduction at 4th day86.7%. 4.5㎏) and at 7th day(8.7%, 5.8㎏).
2. The changes of the strength
1) The grip strength was decreased 0.9%∼1.6% after the body weight reduction by Reducing Diet and Fasting But, the grip strength was increased 2.89% after the bodyweight reduction by Sauna.
2) The order of back lift strength was decreased in Fasting(13.72%), Reducing Diet(11.72%), and Sauna (2.86%).
3. The changes of the pulmonary function
1) FEV, FEV-(1.0), FEV1.0%, and %FVC were unaffected after the body weight reduction.
2) FEV1.0 was decreased after 7th day among 3groups
4. The changes of the exercise capacity
1) VO₂max was increased after the body weight reduction by Reducing Diet(1.12%) and Fasting (4.92%).
2) VEmax and HRmax were decreased after 7th day among 3 groups, but these were not significant differences.
3) All-Out-Times were decreased after the body weight reduction by Reducing Diet(0.56%), Fasting(3.3%).
5. The changes of the blood components
1) Serum Total Protein was increased after the body weight reduction among 3groups(5.26%∼8.11%).
2) Serum Albumin was increased after the body weight reduction at 7th day among 3 groups(3.26∼4.97%).
3) Blood Sugar was decreased after the bodyweight reduction among the 3 groups. And, fasting group was highly decreased 12.87% at 7th day.
4) Hemoglobin was decreased after the body weight reduction among the 3groups. And, fasting group was highly decreased 8.86% at 7th day.